Cacti in Dubai

On the international front: Great news that my friend Zubair sends this morning that his baby cacti have arrived safely in Dubai. We tried during lockdown and they were postmarked as having got into the country, but were sent back. These ones made it through!

Back to cactus Bombing

Lovely cafe and pizzeria Acappella in Knowle, Bristol, courtesy of Richie McCarthy - found by Pattie. Thank you for getting in touch a couple of days later and letting us know it’s going to be loved and looked after.

RIP Mick Mason

Day Of The Cacti is very sad to learn of the passing today of local traditional cobbler and all round top bloke Mick Mason. One of the biggest heartbeats of the little town of Chepstow, Mick always looked after my Jeffery West boots. He’d always tell me what a quality brand they are and that meant they’d cost a bit more to repair. Here he is with his cactus.

Cacti in California

Met Mike over a game of online chess. And this is where it led to: Thanks to Mike and Judy for this picture of their five Day Of The Cacti babies which made it across the Atlantic safely last month. Looking forward to seeing how they develop in that warm Californian sun.

Flowering Season

This is the time of the year in the UK when many of my Day Of The Cacti plants push out a beautiful pink flower or two or several even. The flowers last for one day only and then begin to wilt. But while they last, they are truly magnificent.

Double Flower

Double Flower

First Cacti on Isle of Man

Thanks to Gerard and Michaela for sending this fabulous image of Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon and Michael looking out over the sea, today. Nice that the Jackson 5 did a song called: “Lookin’ Through The Windows” too.

Cacti in Istanbul

Delighted to announce that three baby cacti arrived safe and sound to Istanbul for my wonderful friend, my brother Murat and his wife, Nevin. She made these gorgeous pots herself. Aren’t they magnificent!?


Repot for Rose

I was delighted today to be asked to repot Rose’s cactus and her three babies from 10/6/4. I have to say that not only is this the best conditioned cactus I’ve ever seen but Rose and her husband Vic are beautiful, lovely, warm human beings who are a joy to meet. To be connected to such fabulous people reminds and reinforces why I do this. And thank you Ceri for the introduction.


Cacti in The USA

My great friend Jessica is looking after these babies that successfully made it to her new home in Seattle recently. They are the first Day Of The Cacti in the USA I believe.
